ALL 2000 ACT Championships 2003 ACT Championships 2003 Nationals 2004 ACT Championships 2004 Nationals 2004 Toyota Cup 2005 ACT Championships 2005 NEC9 2006 KAC 2007 Nationals 2008 ACT Championships 2008 Keio Old Boys 2008 NEC12 2008 NSW Championships 2008-9 Ballina Go Camp 2009 ACT 2009 Nationals 2009 NEC13 2010 Golden Aussie 2010 KAC 2010 Nationals 2010 NSW Championships 2011 Keio 2012 Hoju DongA Cup 2012 Korea v China 2013 NSW Championships 2014 KAC 2014 Nationals 2014 NSW Championships 2014 Sydney Autumn Tournament 2015 1st Baduk Congress 2015 KAC 2016 2nd Aust. Go Congress 2016 Hanho Cup 2016 Nationals 2016 Sydney Spring Tournament 2017 3rd Aust. Go Congress 2017 KAC 2017 NSW Championships 2018 4th Aust. Go Congress Closing ceremony 2018 KAC 2018 Nationals 2019 6th Ing World Collegiate 2019 KAC 2019 NSW Championships 2019 Port Macquarie Go Club 2022 7th Ing World Collegiate 2022 Canberra Go Club 2022 KAC 2023 3rd Sydney Go Festival 2023 KAC 2023 Nationals 2023 NSW Championships 2023 Victorian Championships 2024 Amy Song in Luoyang from Gary Guo 1987 Tokyo WAGC 2012 Gold Coast National 2012 NSW Open in Youngil‘s Go School 2024 March visit Sydney Chinese Pro players in AUstralia Misc Sydney Go Club Wu Songsheng In Goldcoast and Andrew Chi inmemoriam CecilKuo DevonBailey GeoffreyGray JohnChen SangDaeHahn SongShengWu KPMC 2014 KPMC9 Seoul 2018 KPMC13 Miscellaneous Pair Go 2014 IAPGC25 People Teaching Learn Go Week WAGC 1979 WAGC01 Tokyo 1982 WAGC04 Tokyo 1982 WAGC04 1983 WAGC05 Osaka 2008 WAGC29 Tokyo 2009 WAGC30 Kakegawa 2010 WAGC31 Hangzhou 2012 WAGC33 Guangzhou 2013 WAGC34 Sendai 2015 WAGC36 Bangkok 2017 WAGC38 Guiyang 2018 WAGC39 Tokyo 2019 WAGC40 Matsue 2023 WAGC43 Shenzhen WMSG 2008 WMSG1 Beijing
Search selected folders for photos with keywords: ANY of these
AND ALL of these
["./","./2000 ACT Championships","./2003 ACT Championships","./2003 Nationals","./2004 ACT Championships","./2004 Nationals","./2004 Toyota Cup","./2005 ACT Championships","./2005 NEC9","./2006 KAC","./2007 Nationals","./2008 ACT Championships","./2008 Keio Old Boys","./2008 NEC12","./2008 NSW Championships","./2008-9 Ballina Go Camp","./2009 ACT","./2009 Nationals","./2009 NEC13","./2010 Golden Aussie","./2010 KAC","./2010 Nationals","./2010 NSW Championships","./2011 Keio","./2012 Hoju DongA Cup","./2012 Korea v China","./2013 NSW Championships","./2014 KAC","./2014 Nationals","./2014 NSW Championships","./2014 Sydney Autumn Tournament","./2015 1st Baduk Congress","./2015 KAC","./2016 2nd Aust. Go Congress","./2016 Hanho Cup","./2016 Nationals","./2016 Sydney Spring Tournament","./2017 3rd Aust. Go Congress","./2017 KAC","./2017 NSW Championships","./2018 4th Aust. Go Congress","./2018 4th Aust. Go Congress/Closing ceremony","./2018 KAC","./2018 Nationals","./2019 6th Ing World Collegiate","./2019 KAC","./2019 NSW Championships","./2019 Port Macquarie Go Club","./2022 7th Ing World Collegiate","./2022 Canberra Go Club","./2022 KAC","./2023 3rd Sydney Go Festival","./2023 KAC","./2023 Nationals","./2023 NSW Championships","./2023 Victorian Championships","./2024 Amy Song in Luoyang","./from Gary Guo","./from Gary Guo/1987 Tokyo WAGC","./from Gary Guo/2012 Gold Coast National","./from Gary Guo/2012 NSW Open in Youngil‘s Go School","./from Gary Guo/2024 March visit Sydney","./from Gary Guo/Chinese Pro players in AUstralia","./from Gary Guo/Misc","./from Gary Guo/Sydney Go Club","./from Gary Guo/Wu Songsheng In Goldcoast and Andrew Chi","./inmemoriam","./inmemoriam/CecilKuo","./inmemoriam/DevonBailey","./inmemoriam/GeoffreyGray","./inmemoriam/JohnChen","./inmemoriam/SangDaeHahn","./inmemoriam/SongShengWu","./KPMC","./KPMC/2014 KPMC9 Seoul","./KPMC/2018 KPMC13","./Miscellaneous","./Pair Go","./Pair Go/2014 IAPGC25","./People","./Teaching","./Teaching/Learn Go Week","./WAGC","./WAGC/1979 WAGC01 Tokyo","./WAGC/1982 WAGC04","./WAGC/1982 WAGC04 Tokyo","./WAGC/1983 WAGC05 Osaka","./WAGC/2008 WAGC29 Tokyo","./WAGC/2009 WAGC30 Kakegawa","./WAGC/2010 WAGC31 Hangzhou","./WAGC/2012 WAGC33 Guangzhou","./WAGC/2013 WAGC34 Sendai","./WAGC/2015 WAGC36 Bangkok","./WAGC/2017 WAGC38 Guiyang","./WAGC/2018 WAGC39 Tokyo","./WAGC/2019 WAGC40 Matsue","./WAGC/2023 WAGC43 Shenzhen","./WMSG","./WMSG/2008 WMSG1 Beijing"]
Select folder(s) from the drop-down menu: selecting an outer folder will automatically
select/unselect all its subfolders, which you can then individually select/unselect.
Then hit the "Load selected photos" to select all the photos in the hilited folders.
Navigate through the photos manually using the large chevron buttons. You may start
an automatic slideshow with the white triangle button. Click the (green) triangle to pause or (yellow) to resume the slideshow;
click the red square button to stop the slideshow and reset to the first photo.
To search for photos within the selected folders, enter keywords which may appear in the description, event, location and photodate fields
of the photo's database entry. Supply either alternative keywords or keywords which must all appear.
For example Chen,John Chen in the "ANY" search box and 2008 in the "ALL" box will search for entries in which
"Chen" (also "Cheng"), OR the full "John Chen" appear, but must also have "2008" appearing somewhere. Don't use quotes, comma, & or () in the keywords.
As a convenience, if either "ANY" or "ALL" is not empty, but no folders are selected, it will be assumed you meant to search all folders.
[Tip: to search for
a year in the photodate use 2008-; for many photos the photodate is unknown, in which case the database entry is "0000-00-00 00:00:00"]
To search for a photo with a known database number eg 123, use db#123 as a keyword with all folders selected.
To refine a selection, hit the "Current sel. enclosing folders"
to restrict the folders searched to only those containing the currently selected photos. [Tip: having found a photo with the keywords you are looking for,
use this button with no keywords to visually scroll through the found folders – there may be other photos of interest nearby.]
Click to see the original full resolution image of the current photo in a separate window.
Click ⓘ to hide me; if the folders menu is showing click "Select folder" to hide it.
The Gallery is under development. Most photos do not yet have titles or complete database entries including
information such as identification of players depicted or their date or location. Your help in filling in such information
is greatly appreciated - contact us by clicking the email link below quoting the db# number. And we really want to include all the Go related photos
you have - the more the better! A visual archive of the history of Go in Australia is important. If you have hard-copy of photos
we may be able to arrange conversion to a digital format.