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Australian Go Association Annual General Meeting 2016

Minutes of the meeting


The meeting opened at 12:05pm, Saturday 3rd December at Box Hill Town Hall, Whitehorse Road, Melbourne.


A list of attendees is attached.


Raphael Shin, Yoko Usami, Erli Qiu, Matthew Crossman & Robin Garner.

Meeting Officials

The meeting was presided over by David Mitchell (chairman and minute taker); Horatio Davis (treasurer) and Neville Smythe.

Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed a true record. Proposed by Horatio Davis, Seconded by Neville Smythe – passed unanimously.

Matters arising

The travel scholarship was discussed.  Despite direct e-mail to all members and promotion on social media the initiative received little support.  Because of the lack of interest the meeting decided to revert to the previous ad-hoc scholarship process.

David Mitchell reported that the AGA rating system had been overhauled by a small group with particular thanks extended to Neville Smythe who worked tirelessly on the software.  The AGA have a flagship rank of 7dan which is only given where a player has achieve the required number of promotion points, won at least 2 National events and has the approval of the National Coach.  A small group headed by Neville will maintain the system over the coming years.


There was no report from the President (Raphael Shin).

Horatio Davis provided a detailed treasurer’s report is attached.  Horatio also provided a commentary on the finances.  Neville Smythe proposed the accounts be accepted, seconded by David Mitchell – the motion was passed unopposed.

The secretary’s report was delivered by David Mitchell (attached). A motion to accept the report was proposed by James Kaaden, seconded by Neville Smythe – passed unanimously.

Election of office bearers for 2016

President:  David Mitchell proposed Raphael Shin continue as president – Raphael had previously accepted the nomination.  The proposal was seconded by Horatio Davis and with no other candidates Raphael was elected unopposed.

Vice President:  David Mitchell proposed Neville Smythe as vice president – Neville accepted the nomination.  The proposal was seconded and with no other candidates Neville was elected unopposed.

Treasurer:  Neville Smythe proposed Horatio Davis for the role as treasurer. Horatio accepted the nomination which was seconded by Billy Sun – with no other candidates Horatio was elected unopposed.

Secretary:  Horatio Davis proposed David Mitchell as secretary. David accepted the proposal which was seconded by Neville Smythe and with no other candidates David was elected unopposed.

Other committee members:

The meeting elected unopposed the following people as ordinary members of the committee:

Matthew Crossman, An Younggil, Yoko Usami, Erli Qiu, Billy Sun and James Kaaden – there being no other candidates these people were elected to the committee.

Incorporation of the AGA

David Mitchell proposed that the meeting direct the committee to investigate and incorporate the AGA.  Currently the AGA is not an incorporated entity which means it has no legal status – effectively the membership entrusts all AGA assets to the officers to do with as they wish.  Without incorporation the AGA cannot apply for grants, cannot be left bequests – it also means the officers of the Association are personally liable for any legal action.  Neville Smythe seconded the proposal.

Horatio Davis opposed the proposal – he felt incorporation was costly in terms of man power and there was no immediate need.

There were 8 in favour, 2 against and 36 who abstained.  Given the lack of support for the proposal the proposal was withdrawn.

Constitutional change

A proposal to change the constitution in preparation for incorporation was withdrawn.

Location of 2017 National Championships

Sydney is the next location in the cycle – Horatio Davis proposed Sydney organize the 2016 National Championships, Seconded by Neville Smythe. David Mitchell accepted the proposal on behalf of the Australian Go Congress Organizing Committee and the Sydney clubs. The motion was passed unanimously.


Changes to AGA Bank accounts

Horatio Davis explained the need to change the existing bank accounts.  The following proposals were put…

  1. Horatio proposed that the meeting resolves to close the Association’s account at the Footscray Mall branch of the ANZ Bank (BSB 013481, account 493800806) – this was seconded by Neville Smythe and passed unanimously.
  2. Horatio proposed that the meeting resolves to open a replacement account for the Association, with the same signatories, and delegates the authority to do all things necessary or convenient for this purpose to the 2016-2017 treasurer, Horatio Davis – this was seconded by David Mitchell and passed unanimously

Presentation of 7 dan diplomas

Diplomas were presented to:

Wei Zhou & Guyu Liu who were at the meeting.  The certificates for Raphael Shin, Yiming Guo & David He will be presented to them at a later date.

AGA lapel pins

The AGA has purchased lapel pins with the AGA logo for members to purchase – the pins are available direct from the AGA at a cost of $8 per pin (including postage and packing).  AGA clubs or event organisers can purchase pins in lots of 10 at $55 (including postage and packing).

There being no other business David Mitchell proposed the meeting closed, seconded by Horatio Davis and passed unopposed.

The meeting closed at 12:35pm.

List of members at the meeting

(Alphabetic order)

Mark Ahn
Jinan Cao
Edwin Clarke
Zhoujia Dai
Horatio Davis
Zihan Gao
Liang Hong
Jang Hyemin
Carry Jin
Kyle Jones
James Kaaden
Jesse Lewis
Daniel Li
Yigeng Li
Yongheng Li
Shu Lin Zhu
Guyu Liu
Jingbo Liu
David Meng
David Mitchell
Yanis Newman-Pache
Markus Pache
Tim Qin
William Rui
Wei Shan Zhong
Liu Shilong
Neville Smythe
Amy Song
Billy Sun
Ningxuan Wan
Aaron Wang
Zhou Wei
Gareth White
Jieyu Wu
Zhu Xian
Wenxu Xie
Wei Xu
Daniel Xu
Han Yang
Zekun Yu
David Zhang
Eric Zhang
Yuhan Zhang
Shengfang Zhou
Jacky Zhu
Cheng Zuo