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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Go Association 2017

The meeting opened at 5:00pm on Friday 29th September 2017 at the Australian Go Congress, Sydney University Building H70, Seminar Room 2290 (1st floor), The Abercrombie Business School, Abercrombie St & Codrington St, Darlington NSW.

Minutes & Chair

David Mitchell


Apologies were recorded from Erli Qiu, Yoko Usami and Mark Ahn

Minutes of the 2016 AGM

The minutes of the previous meeting were read.  DGM moved the minutes be accepted as a true record; Tony Purcell seconded the motion.  The proposal was passed unopposed.


There was no President’s report.

The Treasurer’s report is attached.

  • The key points were the investment of $431 to purchase ‘The Surrounding Game’ movie which will be shown in clubs in Queensland, Victoria and NSW.
  • The Digital tournament will be held in December so there was no income of expense for that yet.
  • The sale of lapel pins was slow but steady.
  • The overall financial position was slightly up with enough in the bank to cover approx. 10 years of expenditure.

The Secretary’ report is attached.

Election of office bearers

The meeting thanked the existing office bearers for their efforts over the past year.

Nominations for the role of President were opened

DGM proposed Raphael Shin; James Kaaden seconded the motion) there being no other candidates Raphael was elected unopposed.

Nominations for the role of Treasurer were opened

Anthony Purcell proposed Horatio Davis; Neville Smythe seconded the motion. There being no other nominations Horatio was elected unopposed.

Horatio took control of the meeting for the election of Secretary

Nominations for the role of Secretary were opened

James Kaaden proposed David Mitchell; Anthony Purcell seconded the nomination; There being no other nominations David was elected unopposed.

Matthew Crossman asked if he could understudy the role of Treasurer from Horatio.  Horatio agreed.

Election of committee members

Nominations for the five committee members were opened.

Neville Smythe proposed James Kaaden, Horatio Davis seconded

James Kaaden proposed Daniel Li, Horatio Davis seconded

Horatio Davis proposed Allan Hunt, David Mitchell seconded

Neville Smythe propose Erli Qiu, David Bofinger seconded

David Mitchell proposed Matthew Crossman, Horatio Davis seconded.

There were no other nominations so all candidates were elected unopposed to the AGA Committee.


A proposal to incorporate the AGA (full proposal attached).

There was a long debate on the subject.  Concerns were raised about the amount of work and possible fines if things were not done on time.  Some of the key points were:

Horatio Davis pointed out that our current membership list missed contact details (postal address, email address etc) for a large number of members the work to do this would take away from the Committee’s Go tasks.

Anthony Purcell said that the collection of this information should be carried out by Go organizers around the country, not the committee.

Neville Smythe suggested there should be a Membership Registrar to coordinate and manage membership records.  This was accepted by the meeting.

Matthew Crossman volunteered for the role.  The offer was accepted unopposed.

Allan Hunt was concerned the effort of incorporation would not benefit clubs

The motion was put to a vote, of the members present there were 14 in favour 2 against and no abstentions.  Email voting received by the secretary had 29 in favour and none against. There were no proxy votes.

The motion was passed 43 in favour 2 against.

Any other business

  1. David Bofinger and Anthony Purcell are attending tournaments in China and Korea and asked that the information be sent to all AGA members. Any responses should be sent to Anthony Purcell.  Raphael Shin knew of some people from the SKBA who were going so David and Anthony will liaise with Raphael.  David Mitchell reported that information of both event had already been sent to members but there were no other attendees at this time. Any enquiries will be forwarded to David Bofinger and Anthony Purcell.
  1. Horatio Davis reported that the Australian Digital Tournament will be held in December. This was one of the most popular events on the tournament calendar and players and organizers were encouraged to participate.  Matthew Crossman and Anthony Purcell agreed to help Horatio with the next Digital Tournament so that others can run the event in future.
  1. Neville Smythe proposed a vote of thanks to Allan Hunt for the survey carried out a few months ago; seconded by David Mitchell. The motion was carried unopposed. Horatio agreed to publish the results on the AGA server along with David Mitchell’s analysis of some ‘free text’ answers.
  1. Neville Smythe proposed a vote of thanks to Raphael Shin for his support of The Go Congress and Go in Australia; seconded by James Kaaden. The motion was passed unopposed.


The meeting closed at 6:11pm


Members present at the meeting:


Allan Hunt An Younggil Matthew Crossman
Markus Pache Raphael Shin Tony Oxenham
Anthony Purcell David Bofinger Huazen Liu
Yuhan Zhang Bowen Ge Cary Jin
Bekki Yu Daniel Li David Mitchell
Horatio Davis Neville Smythe


Email votes for Incorporation proposal received prior to the meeting:

Member No. Preferred name vote
09-002 Bill Leveritt y
09-093 Cindy Xu y
09-100 Yoon Gook Noh y
09-105 Hak Beom Seo y
09-106 Won Joong Lee y
10-037 Chulhwan Choi y
10-045 Dae Hyun Cho y
12-028 Yu Won Kim y
13-022 Huazhen Liu y
13-045 Mark Ahn y
14-011 Jay Rie y
14-013 Jinyeon Jung y
14-037 Joseph Jeon y
15-011 Hwasoo Kim y
15-052 Richard Yeh y
16-022 Radman Zhang y
16-024 Daniel Li y
16-030 Hong Wanpyo y
16-054 Sukwan Shin y
16-082 Lesley Qiu y
16-084 Bowen Ge y
16-085 Jerry  Xu y
16-087 Zilong Zheng y
16-146 Xu Chu y
16-162 Jimmy Nguyen y
17-030 Steven Siswandhi y
17-062 Zhumin Yu y
17-108 JungWoo Lee y
17-078 Lawrence  Tsui y