AGA Club registration

To register a club on the Australian Go Association web site, please complete the following

    If you wish, you may submit a list of your club members for batch registration/renewal of AGA Full or Associate membership. Your members should agree to registration (for privacy reasons). Sustaining members must register or renew personally, however you can make a note against any members wishing to join or renew as Sustaining members and we will contact them.

    Upload your list here (spreadsheet or tab-delimited text file) before submitting this form

    or you can email your list to at any time.

    Here is a template spreadsheet for download.

    Please note: After submitting your Club information you will be redirected to a Donations page: we ask that you consider making a donation to help defray AGA expenses. A donation is of course not necessary for registration of your club on the AGA Clubs page or other benefits such as the use of AGATHA or online display of draw and result for your tournaments. Clubs making a donation of $50 or more will be acknowledged as Sponsors on our home page.