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2020 Korean Prime Minister’s Cup

Jay Rie is the Australian representative at the 2020 Korean Prime Minister’s Cup which is being held on-line for the first time due to Covid-19 concerns.

The first three rounds will be played on the Tygem server. Jay Rie’s playing name on Tygem is “Rie” (with a capital R).

The game schedule is:

Round 1 – August. 5th, 10am

Round 2 – August. 8th, 10am

Round 3 – August 12th, 10am

Spectators will need a Tygem account and software to watch live – the URL to register and get the software is


Online Clubs

The following is a list of Online clubs created to contend with the Covid-19 emergency and associated social distancing regulations.

Canberra Go Club

During the Covid-19 pandemic the Canberra Go Club will meet on the OGS online server using Discord for improved social interaction.  For details please contact Neville Smythe at

Sydney University

The USYD Go Society is trying out weekly meetings every Wednesday 12-2pm. We use Discord for communication and have an OGS group for playing games. The Discord server link is here.  If you would like to play, connect and ask people on Discord.

Queensland Go Society

All clubs under the QGS umbrella have a room on the QGS Discord. Non-Queensland players are completely welcome – pop on and see if anyone is interested in a game, or just to chat.



2019 Australian Go Championships

The 2019 Australian Go Championships will be held in Melbourne over the weekend of December 7th and 8th.  The AGA’s annual general meeting will be held on Saturday at the same venue.

Details of the championships can be found at

Honour Roll

AGA Champions

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2019 Go Tournaments

The following information is a guide based on 2018 Go Tournaments.  There is no guarantee the events will be held at the same time as the exact dates of tournaments and details are not yet available but this may help plan your calendar.  The Events page is updated when full details are available.

(Click on the image if it’s too small).


2018 AGA National Championships

The 2018 Australian Championships will be held at Griffith University, Queensland over the weekend of December 8th & 9th 2018 in Room 3.59/3.60/3.61/3.62, G11 Learning Commons building.

Information about registration and the event can be found here

The tournament will be a round Swiss over two days, Australian tournament (Japanese) rules, 60 minutes main time + 3 x 40 seconds byoyomi. There will be two divisions, the Open division, with even games for players 1d and above, and handicap division (everyone else).  The Facebook event can be found here.

The AGA National Championships is an AGA first-class tournament, competitors attracts representative points.

The event will be hosted by the Griffith Go Club.



2018 Go Congress

The 2018 Go Congress will be held between Sept 27th and Sept 30th 2018 at Sydney University.  All details are on the Congress website timetable of events can be found here and the address and map can be found here – this website also has pages to help you find accommodation, tourist activities and registration.

The Australian Go Congress was founded by Sang-Dae Hahn in 2015. Professor Hahn was also the initiator of the Korean Ambassador’s Cup tournament which is now played in more than 10 countries.

Raphael Shin is Publisher of the Hanho Korean Newspaper in Sydney is the major sponsor and Chairman of the Congress organising committee – Raphael is also president of the Australian Go Association.

David Mitchell is General Manager for the Congress with Max Han (CFO), Sol Shin (Secretary) and An Younggil 8P (Tournament Referee) dealing with all organizational matters.

The Congress is supported by the Australian Go Association (A.G.A.), Sydney Go Club and Sydney University Go Club.  There is also valuable input from the Australian Go Community in particular from Billy Sun, Erli Qiu, William Qian, Neville Smythe, Daniel Li, Cindy Xu and James Kaaden.